Joan Kellogg Intuitive Consultant, Akashic Record Reader, Atlanta, GA

Joan Kellogg ~ Intuitive Consultant

Spirit Guide

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Spirit Guide Reading

Who are your Spirit Guides? Each of us has a Spirit Guide “team” of four to six Guides that assist us in aligning with our Soul’s highest purpose. Find out about each of your Guide’s gifts,talents and mission on your team in this detailed and comprehensive reading. Discover exactly what your Guides are able to accomplish for you, and learn how to tune in to their presence. This is a 5 - 12 page reading followed up by a phone consultation as necessary.

I also encourage you to participate in your own Soul work through some optional “homework” I will suggest within your reading. You will receive a phone follow-up as needed. You may be responsibile for all long-distance charges. This depends upon country location. All Calls made in the US are free. Prepayment is required for all consultations.

Price: $90