Joan Kellogg Intuitive Consultant, Akashic Record Reader, Atlanta, GA

Joan Kellogg ~ Intuitive Consultant

Soul Profile

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Soul Profile Reading

This is the most comprehensive consultation. You will learn details about your Soul’s origins and history, and what special gifts and purpose you bring into this lifetime. We will also uncover and clear any negative influences from past and present lifetimes that may currently be affecting you.

I also encourage you to participate in your own Soul work through some optional “homework” I will suggest within your reading. You will receive a 10 to 20 page reading and a phone follow up as needed. You may be responsibile for all long-distance charges. This depends upon country location. All Calls made in the US are free. Prepayment is required for all consultations.

Once you fill out the form you will be receiving a PayPal invoice for payment to proceed. Thank you.

Price: $90