Joan Kellogg Intuitive Consultant, Akashic Record Reader, Atlanta, GA

Joan Kellogg ~ Intuitive Consultant

Akashic Records

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What Are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are bits of energetic data stored in one of the grand inner plane locations called the Hall of Records. All the memories of all who ever occupied the lower worlds and this includes everything… animal, vegetable, mineral etc. have their memory data stored in these Halls.

It is my understanding there are at least five of these Halls or more that serve the purpose of storing records on the inner planes. Their walls and every part of these structures hold memory data.

Our modern day computers were designed with mirrored capabilities but very much more limited When I access the Akashic Records, I am with most of my Inner and Outer Guides. I request that truth and accuracy be known. I am sure to ask questions that will give me the answers I am seeking for myself or my clients.

The Akashic Record Guides are always with me when I search for information. You might say they are like librarians and will help me find the data files for which I am searching. The key for getting accurate information is attention, focus and asking the right questions for clarity.

The questions I ask will take me to the area where the answer and the information are stored. The answer/s will ‘light up’ like turning on a switch with my attention and focus. And this is similar to when you move your mouse over objects on your computer and you then click it to make something happen.

Through my own special technique in accessing the Akashic Records, I have discovered things about myself and others that have made positive change and transformation possible.

Please feel free to write me or sign up for one of my readings. This is an Amazing Modality! You can email me or fill out my online form for more information.

Click Here to learn more about my consultations and readings.

The Ocean

Frequently Asked Questions

“What can I expect from my reading?” 

For a typical Soul Profile reading you will receive an individualized reading of 10 to 20 pages compiled in pdf format which I will email to you. I always offer a complimentary phone follow-up session to address questions or issues. A Spirit Guide reading inculdes up to 3 - 10 pages.

All of my readings are individualized and sent in pdf format with complimentary phone follow-up if requested.

"What is the difference between an Akashic Reading and a Psychic Reading."

That depends on who is conducting the reading and what energetic field they are accessing. When I conduct an Akashic Reading I access information from Soul Plane. Soul to Soul information is received and brought through with clarity and truth.  Whereas, a psychic reading will access information from the Mental Plane and below and may sometimes give misinformation because the reader could be receiving information through a filter of the blocks and restrictions they have in place or through a facade device the client has in place.