Joan Kellogg Intuitive Consultant, Akashic Record Reader, Atlanta, GA

Joan Kellogg ~ Intuitive Consultant

Property Clearing

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Property Clearing Reading

Is your home your sacred space? Many places hold the negative vibrations of the past, or contain open doorways to negative influences. If you struggle to get organized, feel uncomfortable in your home, or have an older home, this reading can drastically shift the space you live in into a peaceful sanctuary. This consultation also serves to protect your property from further negative influences.

This is a this is a 1 to 6 page reading with follow up phone consultation as necessary.

I recently gave a reading of this type to a client who was trying to sell her house, but was unsuccessful. I discovered that this house resided on a former battle ground where many perished. This negative energy was cleared. Soon thereafter the house sold.

Price: $60