Joan Kellogg Intuitive Consultant, Akashic Record Reader, Atlanta, GA

Joan Kellogg ~ Intuitive Consultant

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Step Into Your Power

Many of us long to know why we are truly here. At the same time, we know that issues such as financial difficulties, troubled relationships, and poor emotional or physical health don’t have to be part of the picture. We know we deserve more, that everything is available to us.

If only we knew what was standing in our way. 

You may be doing all the “right” things …. But is your life filled with joy and abundance?

  • You are a great Spiritual Being having a human experience.
  • You are the Soul that resides in your human form.
  • It is your spiritual right to have the best life possible while residing in your physical form.

Learn more about me and my mission. Click Here

"Thank you for the reading! I really enjoyed it, and I definitely noticed an energetic change before I received it. I felt a strong resonance with the archangelic realms of training and my soul group of origination. The qualities from the realms of training are central characteristics of me, so it made a lot of sense. I really enjoyed reading about my soul specializations as well. You said mine were in The Fifth Order and Design Botany/Biology. Thank you for the numerology, it was very spot on. I found the entire reading to be very validating and uplifting, again, thank you! I really appreciate it!" - Nicole


Please Email Me if you have any questions and I will get back to you within one or two business days.

Or you can fill out my Contact Form.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
You are here for a purpose. You can create the life you want.
Learn more about the Akashic Records and my Readings. Click Here